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For the Preventive Maintenance of Ship's Machinery and Equipment.   $225 per ship

Also available Crewlist for listing personnel to man the ships.   $175

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Automate the scheduling of the preventive maintenance jobs.
Request Full Featured Evaluation Demos (Allow for only 50 Records of Data though) from

Preventance Screenshots :   1  2 3  4  
Crewlist Screenshots :         1  2  3

Preventance  and  Crewlist  are Microsoft Access Databases, They Require MS Access to have been Installed on Computers to Run. MS Access is Part of MS Office (which also includes MS Word and Excell)  or it can be Purchased Separately.
Preventance provides its own tools like Find, Add/Delete Records etc. Access acts like a platform on which it runs without the need to use its utilities/functions.

The databases were developed according to the specific requirements of a company. Many features can change easily because the code was written having this in mind. Ask for your preferences.

More Details on Preventance
Ship's machinery and equipment are divided into four categories, for each of the ship's departments: Engineer's,Electrician's, Deck's and Communication's.
For each category there is a main form named after its category like "ENGINEER's LIST",
where machinery and equipment are cataloged in major and minor groups, each with its
date or hours of last inspection/maintenance and its periodic requirement for preventive
maintenance. (Like every 6 months or every 3000 hours) 
So when its time comes again it is listed in the upcoming scheduled jobs form, the
"THIS MONTH's JOBS"  form, in which after maintenance or inspection has been
performed, one lets the program know by clicking on the REGISTER INSPECTION DONE
button. By doing so the item will be moved to the "INSPECTION's HISTORY" list.
If work is not done "This Month" that it is due it will be moved to another list,
"OVERDUE JOBS"  which has the same functional keys as the  "THIS MONTH'S JOBS". 
Finally there is the "EDIT LIST"  form for use in editing all data since all records are
off cource locked in all other forms.
Provides spaces for (searcable) notes  as well as drawings or photographs for each listing
and there is a separate report/form for the ship particulars.

A list of ship's machinery and equipment (1500 Records) is available, easily adaptable to every ship, for an additional $55 charge per ship.